Designed and optimised for the complex and unpredictable reality of today’s knowledge workers, Kandike uses basic game mechanics to effectively unlock our inner motivation and get the right things done at the right time.
The Kandike method applies an external brain logic, providing a solid structure for storing and organising work in a cascading backlog system where nothing gets lost or forgotten.
Kandike allows you to assume control over your life and work - and have fun doing it!
Business agility begins with agile individuals.
Individual agility begins with Kandike.
Kandike is a gamified lean-agile method of organising individual work in a highly productive and inspiring way that aligns individual effort with corporate goals and boosts employee motivation and performance, while preserving a sustainable work-life balance.
The name Kandike is a wordplay that combines Kanban (a lean workflow approach used in most contemporary lean-agile frameworks where work is visualised as cards moving along a board) with Klondike (a single-player solitaire card game where the goal is to clear all cards from the play area).
How Kandike works
Kandike blends lean and agile methodologies with the best practices of leading personal productivity frameworks in a gamified method that boosts motivation and puts you in full control of your life.
Best practices from leading personal productivity methods.
Many of the practices and game rules in Kandike are inspired by the teachings of leading personal productivity gurus, such as Steven R. Covey, Brian Tracy, Tim Ferriss and David Allan, the creator of the GTD (Getting Things Done) method.
Your company does SAFe. Your team does Scrum. You do Kandike.
Kandike is based on the same foundation of values and principles as other major lean and agile methods and frameworks. You can easily align your Kandike workflow with the workflow of your Scrum or Kanban team, allocating the collaborative share of your capacity to the team Kanban while planning your individual work with Kandike. It also works perfectly as an individual planning layer in scaled agile setups like SAFe and LeSS, cascading below the ART and team level.
Works on all major kanban and project management tools
Kandike is tool-agnostic. It is a method and a set of rules. You can play it with physical Kandike cards - or you can use digital kanban tools instead. Kandike setups can be created in Trello, Asana, Monday, Jira and many other popular productivity tools that use kanban boards.